Film Processing

We develop all film formats from Super8 to 35mm and are the only motion picture film laboratory in the world to offer all photochemical development processes: We develop color negative (ECN-2), color reversal (E-6), black and white negative (D-96), black and white reversal (D94a), color positive (ECP-2) and black and white positive (D-97).

We are the only lab in Europe to offer 35mm Motion Picture Ektachrome development using the E-6 process.

Private customers can simply fill out our order form and send us films for development. For productions, we create customized offers at attractive conditions. Tightest timings (same day) are possible.


We develop all color processes in all formats. With a total of 7 large continuous development machines, our capacity is large enough for all eventualities.

We are the only laboratory in Europe that also develops 35mm Ektachrome films in the correct E-6 process as a positive and can be proud of the fact that our quality is so convincing that even productions shooting in the USA send their exposed film material to us for development.


for e.g. Vision3 films - S8 | 16mm | 35mm

The ECN-2 process is the correct development process for color negative films such as Kodak Vision3 films. We can develop 35mm color negative film on two large continuous machines and thus handle even the largest production volumes in the shortest possible time.

The ECN-2 process is the correct development process for color negative films such as Kodak Vision3 films. We can develop 35mm color negative film on two large continuous machines and thus handle even the largest production volumes in the shortest possible time.


for Ektachrome - S8 | 16mm | 35mm

We are the only motion picture lab in Europe to offer 35mm E-6 development, and are proud to have earned a reputation for technical excellence in this particularly demanding development process with projects such as "Poor Things".  

We are the only motion picture lab in Europe to offer 35mm E-6 development, and are proud to have earned a reputation for technical excellence in this particularly demanding development process with projects such as "Poor Things".  

Black and White

We develop all types of black and white films both as negatives and positives in the corresponding reversal process. 

Our negative development is a customized D96 process that delivers better highlight detail compared to the standard process.

As there is currently no black and white negative material in Super8, and no reversal material in 35mm, we do not offer these variants. Should you require such development, please contact us individually.


for e.g. Tri-X Reversal - S8 | 16mm

Black and white reversal material such as Kodak Tri-X Reversal is only available in Super8 and 16mm - therefore we only offer black and white reversal development in these formats.

Black and white reversal material such as Kodak Tri-X Reversal is only available in Super8 and 16mm - therefore we only offer black and white reversal development in these formats.


for Double X / Orwo UN54 - 16mm | 35mm

The D-96 process is the correct development process for black and white negative films such as Eastman Double-X 5222 / 7222 or Orwo UN-54. 

We use a slightly modified process that offers better highlight detail than the standard D96 process

The D-96 process is the correct development process for black and white negative films such as Eastman Double-X 5222 / 7222 or Orwo UN-54. 

We use a slightly modified process that offers better highlight detail than the standard D96 process

Postive / Print

We produce copies in both color positive and black and white positive processes - silent or with optical sound.

We are also the only laboratory in the world to offer Super8 copies on film specially produced for us by Kodak. 


for Color Print Film 2238

We are the only copying plant in the world to offer Super8 copies on film specially produced for us by Kodak. 

The ECP-2 process is the correct development process for Kodak Color Print films for positive projection prints. We offer the ECP process in both the ECP-2D and ECP-2E versions.

We are the only copying plant in the world to offer Super8 copies on film specially produced for us by Kodak. 

The ECP-2 process is the correct development process for Kodak Color Print films for positive projection prints. We offer the ECP process in both the ECP-2D and ECP-2E versions.


For black and white print film 2302

The D-97 process is the correct development process for black and white print film for positive projection prints such as Kodak 2303. 




The D-97 process is the correct development process for black and white print film for positive projection prints such as Kodak 2303. 

Special Processing

Film can be used to create many different individual looks: we therefore also offer all kinds of special developments, including the most common: push, pull & bleach bypass. 

Please note that additional costs may be incurred for special developments.


Bleach bath bridging

In bleach bypass development, the bleach bath is bridged physically. As a black and white silver image is also initially produced during color development, it must normally be removed in the bleaching step. If this process step is omitted, the silver image remains in the film in addition to the color image. This results in significantly more contrast and less saturation - an individual, somewhat desaturated look.

In bleach bypass development, the bleach bath is bridged physically. As a black and white silver image is also initially produced during color development, it must normally be removed in the bleaching step. If this process step is omitted, the silver image remains in the film in addition to the color image. This results in significantly more contrast and less saturation - an individual, somewhat desaturated look.


Deforced development (-1 / -2)

Pull development reduces the development time and, if necessary, the process temperature. Normally, the film is deliberately overexposed by at least one f-stop. Due to the incomplete development, which is compensated for with more exposure, the contrast is slightly reduced and the grain sometimes appears more compact. We offer pull development between -1 f-stop and -2 f-stops. We recommend testing looks beforehand.

Pull development reduces the development time and, if necessary, the process temperature. Normally, the film is deliberately overexposed by at least one f-stop. Due to the incomplete development, which is compensated for with more exposure, the contrast is slightly reduced and the grain sometimes appears more compact. We offer pull development between -1 f-stop and -2 f-stops. We recommend testing looks beforehand.


Forced development (+1 / +2 / +3)

In push development, the development time and, if necessary, the process temperature are increased in order to create higher densities in the film. This increases the contrast and develops the shadows. However, push development is not a panacea for underexposure: for each f-stop of push, a maximum of one third of an additional f-stop of density can be achieved. However, this does not make the film more sensitive. In other words: three f-stops underexposure, which should be compensated for with three f-stops push, still results in 2 1/3 f-stops underexposure!

In push development, the development time and, if necessary, the process temperature are increased in order to create higher densities in the film. This increases the contrast and develops the shadows. However, push development is not a panacea for underexposure: for each f-stop of push, a maximum of one third of an additional f-stop of density can be achieved. However, this does not make the film more sensitive. In other words: three f-stops underexposure, which should be compensated for with three f-stops push, still results in 2 1/3 f-stops underexposure!

Quality Control

To ensure that meter 10,000 is developed in the same way as meter 1, we carry out densitometric and chemical-analytical measurements several times a day to ensure that all process parameters are constantly within their target range and remain stable over weeks and months.


Chemical analysis of the process baths

All baths and preparations are also regularly analyzed chemically by us. For example, the pH values or the specific densities of the individual baths are measured and constantly monitored. The concentration of individual substances in the baths is determined by titration. This ensures that all processes are always optimally balanced and deliver the best results.

All baths and preparations are also regularly analyzed chemically by us. For example, the pH values or the specific densities of the individual baths are measured and constantly monitored. The concentration of individual substances in the baths is determined by titration. This ensures that all processes are always optimally balanced and deliver the best results.


Analysis of film densities using densitometry

Test films developed in the processes to be measured are measured several times a day using a densitometer. The densities achieved are measured with the calibrated precision densitometer and recorded electronically in order to determine the deviation of the process from its target state. This guarantees that the process never deviates from its target, as even the smallest changes can be measured and corrected preventively.

Test films developed in the processes to be measured are measured several times a day using a densitometer. The densities achieved are measured with the calibrated precision densitometer and recorded electronically in order to determine the deviation of the process from its target state. This guarantees that the process never deviates from its target, as even the smallest changes can be measured and corrected preventively.


Sustainability is a fundamental issue, especially in the film industry. We implement green production standards and have switched our entire operation to certified green electricity from renewable energy sources. 

Unlike in other EU countries or the UK, all process baths and their overflows are not simply discharged into the waste water, but are collected and disposed of safely and in an environmentally friendly manner by a certified specialist company. 

We electrolytically dissolve the silver in the film from the baths and return it to the raw material cycle. 

We are ready.

You can bring the film to us in person at any time during our opening hours in Berlin, or send it to us conveniently by post or courier.

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