to Film

We expose digital data on 35mm and 16mm film and can thus create individual looks for file-based productions, or simply produce an analog projection copy from a digital template.

Filmlooks for Files &
Prints in 16 & 35mm
of digital data

Mastered auf Film

We expose your digital data on 16mm & 35mm negative (color & black & white) and thus create unique hybrid film looks for file-based productions.

We also create projection copies from digital originals - silent or with soundtrack. Individually or in series.


How it works

After clarifying all the details, you provide us with your graded data in the best possible quality. Depending on the deadline, we can implement very tight turnarounds. 

After either a test or a preliminary discussion, we produce the final negatives / copies and deliver them or scan them in again.

How does the process work?

It's simple: just send a short email to andec@cinegrell - we'll take care of the rest and clarify all the details with you individually, because: Exposures are not available off the shelf, and every project is unique. Whether film look for files or files for film print - you've come to the right place. 

Copies made by us are exhibited in galleries and museums worldwide, such as MoMa, San Franscisco Museum of Modern Art, and are of the highest quality. 

Which formats are available?


via ARRILASER up to 4k native on camera negative (Kodak Vision3 250D and 50D, as well as on Digital Intermediate 2254 and Kodak 2237 Digital Separation Film.

Digital to Film to Digital up to 4k

Copies 35mm color & black & white incl. mono, stereo, or Dolby® SR light tone.



We can make 4k 16mm exposures on Kodak Vision3 50D and Eastman Double X. 

Subsequently, either a rescan including digital delivery or an analog copy on color or black and white print film with mono soundtrack can be made. 

Director: Grajper / DoP: Louis Evennou | Digital file to 4K Arrilaser on Kodak Vision3 250D

Directors: Nono+Rodrigo / DoPs: Patrick Golan & Jan Prahl | Digital file to 4K Arrilaser on Kodak 2254 Intermediate

Director: Grajper / DoP: Louis Evennou | Digital file to 4K 16mm on Kodak Vision3 50D

Current references

Any questions?
We will be happy to advise you.

One email is enough to get the ball rolling 🙂

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