Kodak Super8 Vision3
Color Negative (+...)
Please select how many color negative films you would like to send in.
Kodak Super8 Ektachrome 100D
Reversal (+...)
Please select how many reversal films (Ektachrome) you would like to send in.
Kodak Super8 Tri-X Reversal
Reverse SW (+...)
Please select how many reversal films (Tri-X ) you would like to send in.
HD Scan (+...)
2K Scan (+...)
4K Scan (+...)
Wählen Sie die gewünschte Auflösung aus
ProRes 422 HQ
ProRes 4444
.dpx (+15,00 €)
Select the desired file format
Image detail Super8 Edge to Edge
Edge to Edge
Image detail Super8 Crop
Image detail Super8 Crop
Click on the desired image section to select it.
No, I only want scans
Yes, please send me back the negatives (+...)
Please select whether you would like us to return the films to you or whether you only want the scans. The price for the return shipment includes shipping costs (EU only) and the price for the reel on which the Super8 film is wound.
Product total
Options total
Grand total

À la Carte – Onlineauftrag Super8 (Mix)

Mix & Match - Advanced à la Carte

Here you can configure your Super8 order online - whether Kodak Vision3 (color negative), Ektachrome (color reversal), or Tri-X (black and white reversal); or a mix of all.

Turnaround time from receipt of film in the lab is approx. 10 business days.
For express work or very short turnaround times (less than 10 days) please contact us by email or telephone.
This allows us to assess whether timely processing is possible and what additional costs may be incurred.

S8mm Processing
– Color Negative (ECN-2): Kodak Vision3 50D, 200T, 500T
- Color Reversal (E6): Kodak Ektachrome
– SW Umkehr (D-94): Kodak Tri-X

S8mm Scan:
– Format: HD, 2K oder 4K
– Codec: ProRes 422HQ, ProRes 4444XQ, .dpx oder .h264
– Framing: Overscan, Edge to Edge oder Cropped
– Transfer Speed: 25fps, 24fps oder 18fps

Alternatively, you can use our more customer-friendly Quick&Easy – Online Order for S8 color negative .

How it works

1 – Configure order 

Please choose:

- the number of films you want to send us

- the desired scan options: resolution, codec, framing, and transfer speed

 - and finally whether we should send you the films after scanning or dispose of them.

2 – Pay Online

You can pay for your order via PayPal or credit card (Mastercard, Visa or AmEx). You will also receive a confirmation email with your order number.

3 - Pack and send the film

Pack your films well and include a note with your order number in the package..

Address the package to:

Andec Cinegrell Filmtechnik GmbH
Office - 
Your Order No. (e.g. 12345)
Hasenheide 9, Aufgang 3
10967 Berlin, Germany

4 - Confirmation of receipt

Once we receive and begin processing your films, you will receive an email confirmation of receipt. We will contact you if we have any questions. 

5 – Our turnaround times

We develop Super 8 color negative every Wednesday and reversal every Thursday. Scanning takes place shortly after development. 

The turnaround time for your entire À la Carte order is usually 10 business days, sometimes less, depending on when your film arrives and is developed. 

For express work or very short turnaround times (less than 10 days) please contact us by email or telephone.
This allows us to assess whether timely processing is possible and what additional costs may be incurred.

To ensure fast processing, please make sure your films arrive by 3 p.m. on Tuesdays (for color negative) or 3 p.m. on Wednesdays (for reversal) at latest - this ensures handling within a few days.

6 – Download Scans

Once your films have been scanned, you will receive another email with links to your scans. You will receive one scan per film. The link will be valid for 14 days.

7 - Returning the films

We will send your negatives back to you by post to the address you provide (plus postage costs). You will receive another email with the tracking number of your shipment.

Alternatively, you can select the "scan only" option. After scanning, we will dispose of your films in accordance with DVSGO.

Conditions and exceptions

The development vouchers booked online, including scan, are valid for the number of films paid for. If less than the number of films paid for are sent to us for processing, no refund will be made. 

Likewise, vouchers cannot be split up: A voucher for developing 4 films cannot be split between 2, 3, or 4 different film submissions. The vouchers expire after a single use. This means that all films must be sent in at the same time together with the voucher or with the order number. 

In exceptional cases we reserve the right to prior arrangement exchange or refund of the vouchers. However, a subsequent refund is categorically excluded. 

Hints & How To


Here you can configure the processing or scanning of Super8 films, also as a material mix.
Just fill out the form, pay online and send us your films. Don't forget to include your order number.

Turnaround time from receipt of film in the lab is approx. 10 business days.
For express work or very short turnaround times (less than 10 days) please contact us by email or telephone.
This allows us to assess whether timely processing is possible and what additional costs may be incurred.

S8mm Processing

– Color Negative (ECN-2): Kodak Vision3 50D, 200T, 500T
- Color Reversal (E6): Kodak Ektachrome
– SW Umkehr: Kodak Tri-X

S8mm Scan:
– Format: HD, 2K oder 4K
– Codec: ProRes 422HQ, ProRes 4444XQ, .dpx oder .h264
– Framing: Overscan, Edge to Edge oder Cropped
– Transfer Speed: 25fps, 24fps oder 18fps

Additional information

Dimensions 8 × 3 × 8 cm

2K, 4K, No scan, Development only

Frame rate

18fps, 24fps, 25fps

Number of Super8 films

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Manufacturer: Andec Cinegrell Filmtechnik GmbH
Hasenheide 9, 10967 Berlin

Request now