Kodak Super8 Vision3
Color negative (+...)
Please select how many color negative films you would like to send in.
Kodak Super8 Ektachrome 100D
Reversal (+...)
Please select how many reversal films (Ektachrome) you would like to send in.
Kodak Super8 Tri-X Reversal
Reverse SW (+...)
Please select how many reversal films (Tri-X ) you would like to send in.
HD Scan (+...)
2K Scan (+...)
4K Scan (+...)
Image detail Super8 Edge to Edge
Edge to Edge
Image detail Super8 Crop
Image detail Super8 Crop
Click on the desired image section to select it.
ProRes 422 HQ
ProRes 4444
.dpx (+15,00 €)
Select the desired file format
No, I only want scans
Yes, please send me back the negatives (+...)
Please select whether you would like us to return the films to you or whether you only want the scans. The price for the return shipment includes shipping costs (EU only) and the price for the reel on which the Super8 film is wound.
Return to reel (+...)
Return without coil (+3,99 €)
Please choose how you would like us to return the films to you. The price for the return shipment includes a shipping fee (EU only) and the price for the reel on which the Super8 film is wound, if you choose the reel.
Product total
Options total
Grand total

Online order Super8

Mix & Match - Advanced á la Carte

Here you can freely configure your Super8 job online - whether color negative, Ektachrome, or black and white reversal; or a mix of all of them. 

Alternatively, you can use our more customer-friendly Standard application for color negative use.

Request now